柯 毓珊 -而今而後-
Ke Yushan





私はシルクスクリーンという版画の技法を基礎として、目に見えるもの、見えない物の構成と分解を繰り返していて、一つの作品の中に同じ画面やイメージを複数回を登場させる方法で、作品制作をしている。同時に、油絵具、岩絵具、水彩、アクリル絵具、アクリル板、パネルや布などの材料と手描きの技法を利用し、エディションのない、唯一の作品を作り出す 。一点の作品作りのために数百回を刷り、 線と線を重ねると同時に、水性画材の上に油性画材を重ね、また水性画材を足すこともよくある。構成と分解を同時進行しながら作品の世界を描きだす。


鑑賞者と作品の間には、作者さえも割り込めない絶対的な領域がある。 鑑賞者が作品を通して感じたもの、思いついたこと、その過去、現在と未来の一分一秒は非常に個人的な時間で、かけがえのない経験である。 私は、作品を観てくれる人に、作品というフィルターを通して自分自身と会話し、生活の気づきのきっかけとなり、そういった「而今而後」 の大切さを感じてほしい。このような思いを込めて作品制作をした。


柯 毓珊 2024年 9月

I am always thinking about the relationship between the existence of the work and people. From the viewpoint of the giant universe, the minute dust, and the macro and micro perspectives, people can be considered either large, small, or a single component to society and ecosystems.The the microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints contained in the work influence and change each other.In other words, society is also a component that influences people.I want my work to be one of the components of people and society/ecosystem.
Based on the printmaking technique of silkscreen, I repeatedly compose and decompose visible and invisible objects, and create my works in a way that the same subject or image appears multiple times in a single work. At the same time, using materials such as oil paint, mineral pigments, watercolor, acrylic paint, acrylic board, panel, and fabric, and hand-painting techniques, I create unique, editionless works of art.For a single work, I print hundreds of times, often layering line upon line, oil on top of water-based paint, and then adding more water-based paint.I create the world of the work while simultaneously composing and deconstructing it.
However long and arduous the process, when the work is completed, it leaves the artist’s hands and comes face to face with the viewer.
Between the viewer and the work, there is an absolute realm that even the artist cannot penetrate. What the viewer feels and thinks through the work, every minute of the past, present and future, is a very personal time, an irreplaceable experience. I want the viewers who see my work to have a conversation with themselves through the filter of my work, to become a catalyst for awareness in their lives, and experience the importance of “而今而後 -Feature the Future-” as such.I create my work with this in mind.
I hope that my work will be a companion to people’s thoughts, and that it will be a unique existence.

Ke Yushan September 2024


Ke Yushan 柯 毓珊
– 而今而後-
Saturday 14th September  – Sunday 29th September
11:30 – 18:30 水曜休廊 closed on Wednesdays